Stage she is a callin 

I have decided to sing again. I know a lot of my friends will be pleased to hear this but it does mean a long hard slog to get my old girl body back into shape. i also need to find a reliable babysitter! Any volunteers?
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oh well 

well, was going to play EQ tonight but got logged in and realized my sore throat was going to be really annoying. logged out of the game and left myself in my guild's ventrilo channel to hear some friendly voices.
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wow that's a lot of road 

I went to four out of the six branches of my company today. Lots of driving and lots of hardware. The sky looked so amazing in Springboro around 1pm, my jaw fell open and i stared up for probably five minutes (fortunately i wasn't driving at the time).
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New Job - And Quiet!!! 

I started my new job today. I was around ADULTS all day, it was uncanny. I didn't tell anyone to take their hat off or put their shirt on and I didn't ONCE have to tell anyone to pipe down or put away their phone. It was really weird. And quiet. I liked it a lot even with the lingering sense of unreality....

new employer linked below ... i am the new techie.
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nearing the end 

So i cleaned out my desk at OIC today. I'm kind of ambivalent about leaving. Sure there are problems among the staff but where is that NOT true? But really the thing that i will miss is all my kids. i love the kids. :/
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